Colegio san bartolomé la merced bogotá

Colegio San Bartolomé La Merced – Fiestas Bartolinas 1972

The Provincial of the Jesuits Father Alberto Moreno and the rector of Colegio San Bartolomé Father Carlos Ortiz Restrepo began the construction of the current San Bartolomé la Merced building in the La Merced estate, which opened its doors to all its students who were in the Colegio del Centro on February 10, 1941.

On April 9, 1948, on the occasion of the assassination of Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, Bogotá suffered the riots of the insurrection protesting this crime. On April 10, the School was miraculously saved from fire thanks to the protection of the image of the Virgin that presides over the entrance of the School and because the soldiers of the Army arrived to protect the building since two of the Sons of President Mariano Ospina Pérez studied there.

In 1970, together with other Jesuit schools in Colombia, the school began the implementation of Personalized Education. Active pedagogy in which the human person is respected and understood in the development of his understanding and potential. It was a system adopted by many schools in Colombia. Also at that time, the Mayor of Bogota, with the donation of part of the school land for it, built the Calle 33 which definitively separated the land of the school from the neighborhood of La Perseverancia.

#soyh nelson otaya, s.j. colombia

Colegio San Bartolomé La Merced is a school located in the La Merced neighborhood of Bogotá, Colombia. Inspired by Ignatian spirituality, it was founded in February 1941. It is a denominational school, enrolled in the B calendar.

The school is part of the Uncoli Organization (Union of International Schools), which is an organization of 25 international schools in Bogota, which organizes artistic, cultural and sports activities. The schools belonging to Uncoli participate actively in all activities, whether in the organization of sports tournaments or artistic and cultural events. The links between these schools go back several decades.

By the 1930s, the Jesuits established in Colombia were going through a difficult economic and administrative situation of the Colegio Nacional de San Bartolomé, which had been founded by the Archbishop of Bogotá Bartolomé Lobo Guerrero on September 27, 1604; an educational work that was administered by the nation, for which they feared that the school would be left in the hands of the national government of the time.[4] The Jesuits had to face a difficult economic and administrative situation of the Colegio Nacional de San Bartolomé, which had been founded by the Archbishop of Bogota Bartolomé Lobo Guerrero on September 27, 1604.

Colegio San Bartolome la merced

Colegio San Bartolomé La Merced es un colegio en Bogotá, Andino. Colegio San Bartolomé La Merced se encuentra cerca de Universidad Distrital Facultad del Medio Ambiente y Estacion de Carabineros Parque Nacional.

El Museo Nacional de Colombia alberga colecciones sobre su historia, arte y cultura. El Museo Nacional de Colombia está situado a 790 metros al suroeste del Colegio San Bartolomé La Merced. Foto: Mrtony77, CC BY-SA 3.0.

El Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá es un museo de arte moderno situado en Bogotá, Colombia. El Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá está situado a 1¼ km al suroeste del Colegio San Bartolomé La Merced. Foto: Pedro Felipe, CC BY-SA 3.0.

Preguntario Ecológico – Juana González 1E

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